
Posts Tagged ‘North Pacific Fur Fish’

Over the years, there have been some mighty kooky critters invented by man.

The Jackalope… fabled varmint of the Wyoming grasslands…

the North Pacific Fur Fish… mystic creature of the Alaskan Panhandle and Canadian West Coast (there are unsubstantiated claims that a species of fur-bearing fish inhabits the frigid waters of Hudson Bay)…

the Crocoduck… legendary ankle-biter of the Deep South!

But one of the faux fauna stands out for me. I don’t know why. Maybe because it just cracks me up. Maybe because it fills me with smiles and wonder. However, notwithstanding having no definite underlying reason to do so other than the fact that it just tickles me to death, the Kosher Samurai Award for Creative Zoology goes to…

(it’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s…)

…the BAT-FROG!

Strange winged creature of ponds, swamps, marshes, riversides, lakes and waterways from Florida to Quebec… from Maine to the Mississippi…

(hang in there, buddy)

For sheer creepy-crawly silliness, few can compete.

(it’s suppertime!)

It fascinates me how many different species of Bat-Frog can be found!

(a relative, the Welsh Water Leaper – Llamhigyn Y Dwr)

The varieties appear to be limitless! Just when you think you’ve got them all, another one flits, flies or hops by!

(Why so blue, buddy?)

So to those intrepid zoologists, chiroptologists, herpetologists, chiropto-herpetologists and all-around creative ‘way too much time on their hands’ types, I salute you and present you with the Bat-Frog Badge of Honour.

(Bat-Frog Badge of Honour)

Wear it proudly and let it serve as an inspiration to nerdlings everywhere!

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