
Posts Tagged ‘Makoto’

Samurai Values:




Lesson: When Warriors say that they will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop them from completing what they say they will do. They do not have to “give their word.”  They do not have to “promise.”

Meditation: Speaking and doing are the same action.

Musings: A true Warrior must be truthful, honest and sincere. Those above and below rely and depend on the Warrior. Their lives are quite literally in the Warrior’s hands. There can be no room for dishonesty and insincerity. A true Warrior does not fear the Truth but rather lives by it.


The text I use for the Lesson and Mediation come from the Bushido Seven page on the website of the Traditional Karate Centre in Wilmette, IL, USA. They own the copyright. The rest of the essay is compiled from my own meagre musings on the subject.

On the first Friday of each month, I hope to post another Samurai Value. Traditionally, there are seven bushido virtues in all, so if everything goes as planned, this will take us from June to December.

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